Is Invisalign Right for You?

Invisalign aligners are clear and transparent trays that apply constant pressure to the teeth, forcing them into a desired position. They are a modern and popular method of treating various orthodontic issues. But is Invisalign right for you? Please read our article to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of Invisalign and what issues it can treat.

Is Invisalign Right for You?

Remember that only your dentist, after a comprehensive examination of your teeth and bite, can definitively determine if Invisalign is the right orthodontic treatment for you. However, below, we list the most common cases when Invisalign can be effectively used for treating orthodontic issues:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gaps between the teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Open bite

Invisalign Versus Traditional Braces

Essentially, both Invisalign and traditional braces orthodontic treatments aim to straighten teeth and improve bites. Traditional braces are considered more durable than Invisalign and can successfully treat a wide variety of orthodontic issues, including the most severe cases of misalignment and overcrowdedness.

Invisalign is usually used for more straightforward cases. However, Invisalign has several significant advantages compared to metal braces, which make the treatment worth considering if your misalignment case is not very complicated.

Advantages of Invisalign

  • Invisalign is less noticeable in the mouth than traditional metal braces.
  • Many patients report that Invisalign is more comfortable to wear than braces because it does not have metal parts that can rub against the soft tissue in the mouth, causing soreness and discomfort. However, you still might experience some discomfort and rubbing along the gumline until you get used to wearing the aligners.
  • Invisalign trays can be removed when taking a meal, which makes it easier to chew a variety of foods. In comparison, wearing traditional braces might come with dietary restrictions.
  • Invisalign is much easier to clean than braces because it can be removed from the mouth. Also, the way you brush and floss does not need to be adjusted with Invisalign. When it comes to braces, it might prove to be challenging to maintain sufficient oral hygiene because of the wires they have.
  • Undergoing orthodontic treatment with Invisalign requires fewer visits to the dental office. Your dentist will provide you with a set of aligners and a schedule for changing them. Typically, you will need to switch your trays every two weeks and only occasionally visit your dentist for a progress check. Braces, on the other hand, require frequent adjustments at a dental office.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

The fact that Invisalign is removable comes with its disadvantages. You will need to have strict discipline and wear your Invisalign at least 22 hours a day for the treatment to be effective. It might be challenging to keep your Invisalign in the mouth when your teeth are sore because of the pressure applied to them, and you might be tempted to remove it more often when you should. Braces are glued to your teeth, and you will not be able to take them off at will. So, if you are not sure that you have the necessary discipline to wear the trays, it is better to choose traditional braces.

Health Benefits of Orthodontic Treatments

It is a common misconception that orthodontic treatments provide only aesthetic benefits. In fact, straightening teeth and improving the bite can also boost oral and general health.

  • It can be challenging to clean crooked and misaligned teeth adequately. As a result, plaque and tartar accumulate on the teeth and gums, leading to bacterial growth in the mouth, cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. Infections and bacteria in the mouth can lead to general health issues, such as gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, joint, lung, and other organ problems. Thus, by aligning crooked teeth properly and making them easier to clean, you can significantly improve your oral hygiene and oral and general health as a result.
  • Improper bite can also lead to various issues, such as uneven teeth wear, hypertension and pain in the jaw and neck, headaches, facial asymmetry, bruxism, and others. So, by fixing the bite with an orthodontic appliance, you can avoid or treat these issues and improve the way you feel every day, your energy levels, and your overall quality of life.

Make an Appointment Today

If you want straight and healthy teeth, do not hesitate to call our office and make an appointment with an orthodontist in Montclair today. Our orthodontic specialists will carefully examine your case and offer you the most effective treatment option to accommodate your goals and needs. We are looking forward to your visit to Monte Vista Dental Group.