Preventing Dental Emergencies

Emergency dentistry deals with a wide range of oral health issues that require immediate treatment. However, it is always better to avoid such issues rather than treat them once they occur. In this article, we discuss methods of preventing dental emergencies.


Types of Dental Emergencies


Most dental emergencies are caused either by trauma or by infections in the mouth. The following situations can be considered the reasons to go to the emergency dental office immediately:


  • Fractures, chips, or cracks of the teeth
  • Oral trauma, lacerations in the mouth, or bleeding 
  • Broken or dislocated jaw
  • Tooth Loss
  • Broken dental restoration
  • Acute toothache due to severe tooth decay
  • Bleeding gums due to gum disease
  • Oral sores that do not heal
  • Cysts in the mouth


Preventing Dental Emergencies


It is true that some dental emergencies, especially those caused by accidents, can be impossible to prevent. However, to avoid oral trauma as much as possible, wear a mouthguard when playing sports or engaging in other physically straining activities, such as renovation work, etc. 


Thorough daily oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist’s office will help to prevent dental emergencies caused by bacterial growth and infections in the mouth. Follow these steps to ensure your oral health:


Have Regular Checkups and Professional Cleanings


Even people with impeccable oral hygiene habits need to visit the dental office every 6 to 12 months for checkups and professional cleanings. Plaque and food debris tend to build up over time in hard-to-reach areas in the mouth, between the teeth, and along the gum line. If not removed regularly, plaque hardens and turns to tartar, which is impossible to remove without the help of specialized dental instruments, as it is sticky and thick. 


Plaque and tartar provide a perfect environment for bacteria to grow and eat away at the teeth’s enamel, weakening their defensive function. Thus, cavities and tooth decay develop and can cause dental emergencies such as acute toothache, tooth pulp infection, and tooth loss if left untreated. What is more, bacteria accumulated in plaque and tartar can lead to a chronic infection of the gums, known as periodontal disease. This condition weakens the support for the teeth and can result in tooth loss. 


Professional cleanings done twice a year will ensure that plaque and tartar do not accumulate and linger on your teeth, thus preventing dental emergencies. Regular checkups are also necessary to spot oral health issues before they become dental emergencies. 


Develop Proper Oral Hygiene Habits


  • Brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes. Make sure to hold your toothbrush at an almost 90-degree angle to the gum line to clean away all the food debris and prevent it from accumulating underneath the gums. Choose a soft-bristled brush to 
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste to strengthen and remineralize your teeth’s enamel, making it more resilient to bacteria.
  • Do not use abrasive toothpaste or at-home whitening kits, as they can also harm the enamel and the gums.
  • Floss your teeth every evening, threading the floss carefully between the teeth and avoiding harming the gums. Make sure to clean both sides of each tooth.
  • Use a water flosser before brushing and flossing your teeth to weaken plaque between teeth and make it easier to remove. A water flosser is also effective at removing plaque along the gumline and boosting the effectiveness of fluoride toothpaste.


Avoid Foods That Contain a Lot of Sugar and Acid


Sugar and acid prompt bacterial growth in the mouth, leading to cavities and gum disease. Instead, opt for foods rich in calcium, minerals, and vitamins, which will boost the strength of the teeth and enamel. Dairy products such as cheese and foods containing fiber also promote saliva production, which helps fight off the bacteria in the mouth. 


See Your Dentist As Soon As You Notice First Symptoms of Oral Health Issues

Some people tend to postpone dental appointments even when they notice symptoms of oral health issues. Very often, this leads to dental emergencies. Make an appointment with your doctor immediately when you notice the following symptoms:


  • Dark spots or holes in the teeth
  • Receding, red, swollen, or bleeding gums
  • Tooth and gum sensitivity
  • Toothache 
  • Unstable teeth
  • Cracked, chipped, or broken dental distortion (a filling, dental bridge, implant, etc.)
  • Cysts in the mouth


Make an Appointment Today


If you have a dental emergency, call our dental office in Montclair to schedule an appointment immediately. Our specialist provides emergency services to help you preserve your oral health and avoid further complications. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our dental office.