6 Common Invisalign Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Invisalign and traditional braces have a similar concept, but compared to metal braces, Invisalign is a much more liberal and less visible way of straightening your teeth. Invisalign is generally as effective as metal braces, and on top of that, it has a significant advantage–it can be taken off if need be. However, watch out for these 6 common Invisalign mistakes you should avoid to boost the effectiveness of this aligning divide to its highest potential.

6 Common Invisalign Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Rough or Improper Handling

Invisalign is a convenient and comfortable aligning solution for your everyday life. The aligners are made of high-quality medical plastic, which is typically quite durable. This being said, the device is not invincible and will not last long enough if handled improperly or too roughly. Forceful or incorrect inserting or removing can cause cracking and other damage to your aligners, so make sure that you know how to insert and remove them in the correct way. Your cosmetic dentist can teach you to handle your Invisalign properly.

Incorrect Cleaning

It goes without saying that cleaning your Invisalign is a very good and necessary practice. However, some types of cleaning just do not suit the device and can damage it. The most common mistake is using regular toothpaste to clean the aligners. Toothpaste works wonders for your natural teeth but can be too abrasive for Invisalign. It can cause scratches and discoloration that, in turn, will change the appearance of the aligners for the worse and make them much more noticeable.
Your cleaning routine for Invisalign should be gentle and is better conducted by using special Invisalign aligner cleaning tools. It is also possible to use cool water that is clear, nonabrasive, and does not contain any dyes or soap.

Not Paying Attention to Your Oral Hygiene

Not brushing or flossing your teeth regularly will inevitably lead to such problems as pluck and bacteria build-up under your Invisalign, cavities, and gum infection and inflammation. Dealing with all these problems can slow down the process of aligning as you will need to spend time on treatment and healing.

The best practice is to clean and floss your teeth after each meal as well as in the morning and in the evening. Try to avoid letting the bacteria thrive under your aligners. On top of that, do not skip regular dental check-ups to prevent the problems or treat them as soon as possible if they occur. Ask your dentist about such procedures as deep cleaning to maintain your oral hygiene.

Wearing Invisalign While Eating or Drinking

As we mentioned before, one of the biggest advantages of Invisalign is the option of removing the aligners when you need to. So, we strongly recommend using this option every time you eat or drink something. Eating and drinking with your Invisalign can cause damage to both the device and your teeth and gums.

When you eat with Invisalign trays inserted, food particles collect under them and can cause bacteria growth and gum irritation and inflammation. On top of that, some foods and drinks can physically damage your Invisalign trays by scratching or staining them and changing their appearance. Try to especially avoid hard food (like nuts) and foods and beverages with dye or color in them (like coffee, tea, and soda). Smoking can also stain your Invisalign.

Being Inconsistent with Wearing the Invisalign

Even though Invisalign is typically considered to be a very comfortable device for everyday use, you need some time to get used to constantly having something foreign in your mouth. For some people, it can be tempting to take the trays off from time to time; some just simply forget to insert them in the morning or after meals.

Make sure to wear your aligners for the full recommended 20 hours a day, including during sleep, if you want to achieve the results Invisalign is designed to deliver. Consistency is the most important factor when it comes to successfully straightening your teeth. Moreover, inconsistent wear will prolong the overall time of the treatment.

Not Wearing Invisalign Long Enough

Even if you wear your Invisalign trays consistently, it is still a mistake to assume that the results will come in no time. Unfortunately, the process of teeth straightening takes time, regardless of the device you use. We need to allow time for the teeth to gradually settle into their new alignment and for the periodontal ligaments around each tooth to adapt to the new position.

In general, it takes at least a year before you can notice the first results. It can take several years to achieve the full benefits. Also, the time of wear can depend on the difficulty of the individual patient’s situation. If your misalignment is severe, it can take more time to get the results. So, apart from consistency, it is important to be patient and ready to wear your Invisalign trays for the recommended amount of time.

Avoid these most common mistakes while using Invisalign and get the best results possible. Consult our qualified specialist at Monte Vista Dental Group and get your perfect smile.