7 Surprising Benefits of Teeth Cleaning

Regular teeth cleanings are beneficial for your oral and overall health. Dentists recommend a regular teeth cleaning at least every six months. This may be more often for those with a history of gum disease or tooth decay. Below you will find 7 surprising benefits of teeth cleaning and why you should schedule your next appointment today.

7 Surprising Benefits of Teeth Cleaning

Regular dental cleanings offer a number of benefits. Consider the following if you have been avoiding your regular dental checkup.

Early Detection:

Regular dental cleanings can help with early detection of various dental issues. Things like gum disease and tooth decay are easily preventable. By attending your regular dental visits, a dentist can thoroughly examine your teeth and gums for any concerning signs and symptoms. Oral cancer can also be detected during a routine teeth cleaning so it’s important to regularly visit the dentist. Catching oral health issues early on is highly beneficial when it comes to your potential outcomes.


A teeth cleaning is a cost-effective way to maintain good oral health. By removing the buildup of plaque and tartar at your regular dental appointment, you can effectively prevent the need for more expensive and invasive dental procedures. Avoiding your regular cleanings can be costly so it’s critical to visit the dentist at least every six months for regular cleaning.

Preventative Treatment:

Regular teeth cleanings are a preventative measure for your long-term oral health. Regular dental cleanings involve the removal of buildup on your teeth. By removing plaque and tartar buildup, it helps prevent the development of more serious dental issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, and even oral cancer.

Reduces Bad Breath:

Regular teeth cleanings can reduce bad breath. The cleaning involves removing bacteria and plaque buildup that can ultimately lead to bad-smelling breath. Regular brushing and flossing help to remove food particles that can lead to bad breath. However, a professional teeth cleaning is necessary at least every six months to remove what can’t be addressed with your daily oral care routine. Reducing the number of bacteria in your mouth can reduce bad breath and keep your oral health in good shape.

Improves Overall Health:

Regular teeth cleanings can benefit your overall health due to the close connection between your oral and overall health. They can help you improve your overall health by reducing the amount of harmful bacteria in your mouth. Harmful bacteria can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other harmful oral health issues. However, it can also lead to overall health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s. It is critical to maintain your oral health due to the serious implications it can have on your overall health.

Maintains Smile:

The natural aging process can cause discoloration and impact the appearance of your smile. Regular teeth cleaning can improve your smile by removing surface stains and discoloration. The removal of plaque and tartar can also cause your teeth to appear dull and discolored. Regular cleanings can help to maintain the natural brightness of your teeth, which can make them look cleaner and much healthier.

Reduces Dental Anxiety:

Dental anxiety is common as many people have uneasy feelings about visiting the dentist. Even those with dental anxiety need to regularly visit the dentist. In fact, regular dental visits can help reduce dental anxiety as regular exposure is highly effective. This should be with a dentist that is aware of your anxieties and caters to your unique needs. The team at Monte Vista Dental Group are skilled in treating patients with dental anxiety and are focused on making sure patients are relaxed and comfortable.