Dental Tips for Parents

Children’s oral health and hygiene during childhood has a direct impact on their oral health for the long-term. Setting them up for success early on can be a major benefit. This can start even before they turn one so consider the following dental tips for parents.

Dental Tips for Parents

There are a number of ways to ensure your child builds healthy oral health habits to last them a lifetime. Consider the following dental tips for parents.

Lead by Example:

Before your child get their first tooth, begin doing your oral care routine in front of them. Floss, brush, and rinse your mouth early on so they understand the importance of a consistent daily oral care routine. As they get older you can even bring them into your own dental appointments so they can see you caring for your own oral health.

Start Early:

Once your child’s first tooth erupts, schedule their first dental appointment. You can also start practicing oral hygiene habits with your child. You can use a soft cloth to clean their teeth and a soft toothbrush on any molars that erupt. Talk with their dentist Montclair about how to care for your child’s gums and any teeth that have erupted. They can provide age-appropriate oral care tips for your child.

Choose Their Dentist Wisely:

Choose a dentist skilled in pediatric dentistry in Montclair. They are equipped with the training and expertise to work with children and their unique needs. This can be especially helpful for children who have dental anxiety or behavioral issues as a pediatric dentist can effectively manage the children’s needs and address their oral health simultaneously.

Pay Attention to Primary Molars:

When your child’s primary molars erupt you should begin flossing them. This often occurs around their second birthday, but may be sooner or later depending on their development. You should assist your child in flossing when they are young. However, they should be flossing regularly on their own by age 8. Spend time teaching them proper flossing techniques so they are fully educated on the process.

Experiment with Flavors:

You should use toothpaste with fluoride once your child starts brushing. When you have your child brush, place a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on their brush as they don’t need too much. Choose a toothpaste flavor that your child likes so they are excited to brush their teeth. You can even get a few so they can choose what they want each time. However, talk to them about not swallowing toothpaste due to the fact that it can cause a stomach ache and other harmful health issues.

Use Affirmations:

Every time your child does a good job caring for their oral health, let them know! This can help motivate them to continue to stay consistent with brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Bringing positivity into the process can be a great way to build your relationship and show your child the value of caring for their oral health.

Make it Fun:

Incorporating fun into your child’s oral care routine can help them get invested into the process. You can choose a song to hum or have a contest to see who can brush the longest. There are also apps you can download that have toothbrush games you can incorporate into you and your child’s oral care routine.

Pediatric Dentistry in Montclair

If your child’s first tooth has erupted, or if they have turned one, it’s time to schedule their first dentist appointment. Avoid putting it off as the dentist can provide you with effective tips specific to your child’s unique oral health care needs. Contact the team at Monte Vista Dental Group today to schedule an appointment!