Foods to avoid after dental implants

Dental implants are a revolutionary treatment for those with missing teeth. They are not only a durable and long-lasting solution but they also look and feel like natural teeth. Finding the right treatment for you is key. Working with a skilled dentist can ensure that you choose the right tooth replacement option. For those who choose dental implants, consider how to care for them. Below, you will find the top foods to avoid after dental implants.

Foods to avoid after dental implants

While you don’t need to avoid the following foods forever, it’s best to keep them out of your diet for the first few weeks. After your treatment, the healing period is integral to ensuring your treatment lasts. Consider avoiding the following foods as you heal from dental implant treatment.

Sticky Foods:

Anything that is chewy or sticky should be avoided. This includes things like caramel and gum. The foods can easily get lodged into your implant site and cause an infection.

Hard Foods:

Foods that are hard and crunchy can cause issues during your healing phase. Things like hard candies, nuts, and even ice can put too much pressure on your dental implants. They can also put too much pressure on the surrounding structures that are healing around your implant.

Hot and Cold Foods:

You may experience temperature sensitivity after getting dental implants. For the first few weeks after treatment, avoid foods that are really cold as it can lead to unwanted symptoms. In addition to cold foods, avoid hot foods due to the impact they can have on your healing. Hot foods can increase the blood flow to your surgical site. This can cause potential and unnecessary complications.

Acidic Foods:

Foods that are acidic can impact the healing process. This includes things like citrus fruits, tomato-based sauces, and carbonated beverages. Acidic foods and drinks can irritate the tissues around your dental implants. Avoid these for the first few weeks after treatment and consume them in moderation thereafter.

Alcohol and Carbonated Drinks:

Alcohol and soda can impact the surgical site where your implant is located. This can slow down the healing process and impact your final results. Focus on drinking water for the first few weeks after treatment to reduce potential complications.

Dental Implant Maintenance

Caring for your dental implants is key to ensuring their longevity. Consider the following tips to ensure your dental implants heal properly and last.

  • Oral Care Routine: A consistent daily oral care routine is key, including brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day
  • Regular Dental Visits: Visit a cosmetic dentist at least every six months for optimal oral health
  • Diet: Consume a healthy diet filled with nutrient-dense foods to keep your teeth and bones strong
  • No Smoking: Smoking can impact your dental implants and have a negative impact on your oral health
  • Use A Mouthguard: If you play sports or grind your teeth, use a mouthguard to protect your teeth and implant

Dental Implant Treatment

If you have missing teeth, consider dental implants. They are a great tooth replacement option that provides stability and durability as they are a long-lasting treatment option. They restore both the look and function of your teeth to ensure your smile is something you are proud of. The team at Monte Vista Dental Group is skilled in cosmetic dental treatment.

The first step in moving forward with dental implants is scheduling a consultation. Once it has been determined that you are a good candidate, you can count the days until you achieve your desired smile aesthetic. Contact the team at Monte Vista Dental Group today to schedule an appointment!