Be Careful With These Foods With Crowns

Dental crowns are an effective dental treatment that restores teeth that have been damaged or impacted by decay. Also referred to as “caps,” dental crowns are a custom-made tooth restoration that is placed over your damaged tooth. Dental crowns offer a variety of benefits as they can protect and restore your tooth, improve its function, and they are aesthetically pleasing. Dental crowns are durable and long-lasting. However, it is important to protect them just as you would your natural teeth. Be careful with these foods with crowns so yours last for the long haul.

Be Careful With These Foods With Crowns

The dental crown procedure involves two main steps: temporary crown placement and permanent crown placement. Below you will find what foods to avoid during both periods to ensure your treatment goes exactly as planned.

Avoid These Foods With Temporary Crowns

You won’t have to wear your temporary crowns forever. However, avoid the following foods with your temporary dental crowns.

  • Hot or Cold Foods: Foods that are extreme in terms of temperature should be avoided. This can reduce any discomfort or sensitivity associated with foods or drinks that are too hot or too cold.
  • Chewy Foods: Anything that is chewy or sticky should be avoided. This includes caramel, gum, taffy, and anything else that can pull down on your temporary crown.
  • Hard Foods: Just like with chewy foods, avoid anything that is hard due to the pressure it can place on your temporary crown. This includes things like hard candy, ice, granola, and nuts.
  • Tough Foods: Break down hard foods before you eat them by cutting or tearing them. Foods that are tough to bite or chew through can put too much pressure on your temporary crown. This includes foods like meat or bread.

Avoid These Foods With Permanent Crowns

Unlike your temporary crown, your permanent crown is much more durable as it is built to last. For the first 24 hours after you get your permanent crown, avoid the same foods as you did with your temporary crown. This will allow your permanent crown to fully settle without issue. The day after your permanent crown is placed, it’s generally safe to resume your normal diet. However, eating the aforementioned foods in moderation can be helpful in terms of preserving your dental crown for the long haul.

Dental Crown Procedure

Getting porcelain dental crowns involves a two-step process. During the first visit, your dentist will prepare your tooth by removing any decay or damage. They may also reshape it to create space for your crown. An impression of your affected tooth and the teeth surrounding it is taken. This is used to create a custom temporary crown. The temporary crown is then placed on your tooth to protect it while the permanent crown is being created. The temporary crown is not only to preserve the function of your tooth but also beneficial aesthetically.

During the second visit, you will get your permanent crown. First, the temporary crown is removed. Then, the dentist at Monte Vista Dental will ensure the fit and aesthetics of the permanent crown. Any adjustments will be made, and the permanent crown will be placed on your tooth during that visit. Your dentist will have you bite down to ensure your crown fits perfectly. The recovery process is smooth, and you can get back to your normal routine right away. To ensure the longevity of your dental crown, maintain a consistent daily oral care routine and regularly visit the dentist. If you are interested in dental crowns, contact the team at Monte Vista Dental Group today to schedule a consultation!