Do Dental Veneers Require a Lot of Maintenance?

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment. They are highly effective in improving the appearance of your smile. One of the major benefits of treatment is that dental veneers can be customized to meet your aesthetic goals. The treatment involves the application of thin, custom-made shells over the front of your teeth. They can improve the size, shape, color, and overall appearance of your teeth. Many people wonder, do dental veneers require a lot of maintenance? Below you will find more information on how to care for your veneers.

Do Dental Veneers Require a Lot of Maintenance?

Dental veneers do not require excessive maintenance. In fact, you can treat them just like your natural teeth. Veneers are made from durable porcelain or resin composite materials. These materials provide durability and are a long-lasting solution. In addition to their durability, dental veneers provide natural-looking results.

The cosmetic dental treatment can address a wide variety of imperfections. Things like discoloration, gaps, misalignment, misshapen teeth and other imperfections can be addressed with veneers. One of the major benefits of the treatment is that it is minimally invasive but provides amazing results. To ensure your results last, it’s important to take good care of your veneers.

How To Maintain Dental Veneers

Veneers can dramatically improve your smile so it’s important to take care of them. Caring for your dental veneers is similar to caring for your natural teeth. Consider the following ways you can ensure your veneers last.

Oral Care Routine:

Even though you have veneers, it is still necessary to have a healthy daily oral care routine. This includes brushing at least twice a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Use a non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid harming your veneers. In addition to brushing, you should floss at least once a day.

Regular Dental Checkups:

It is recommended that you visit the dentist at least every six months. You may need to go more often depending on your oral health. However, it is necessary to attend your regular dental checkups when you have veneers. Your Montclair dentist can assess the condition of your veneers, address any concerns, and perform any necessary maintenance.

Avoid Excessive Pressure:

While your veneers are durable, they are not completely indestructible. Avoid habits like biting on hard objects or using your teeth as tools. Things like this can damage or dislodge the veneers. Additionally, if you grind or clench your teeth at night, wear a nightguard.

Avoid Certain Substances:

Veneers are stain-resistant, but it’s important to use caution with certain substances. Avoid smoking at all costs. This can cause damage to your overall health, your oral health, and your veneers. It’s also advisable to avoid, or at least minimize, the consumption of certain stain-causing substances. This includes things like coffee, tea, red wine, candy, and other processed foods.

Regular Maintenance:

Addressing any issues you have with your veneers early on is key. While it is rare, you may experience certain issues with veneers. Things like chips, cracks, or changes in the color of your veneers can occur. Contact your dentist right away to address these issues early on. This can ensure the longevity of your veneers.

Dental Veneer Treatment

If you are unhappy with the look of your smile, consider dental veneers. They offer a number of benefits. Not only can they improve the appearance of your teeth, but they can also boost your confidence. The first step in moving forward with treatment is setting up a consultation with a skilled and experienced dentist. The team at Monte Vista Dental Group are skilled in cosmetic dentistry. Contact their team today to schedule a consultation!